Export All Excel Charts To Power Point

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November 23, 2012

Export All Excel Charts To Power Point
The previous week a friend of mine asked me for a favor. He told me that he spends a lot of time copying Excel charts (as pictures) to Power Point presentations. The problem was that he had some really large workbooks that contained experimental results. Each workbook had more than 20 charts, so the procedure of “copy – paste special” was really time-consuming (and boring). He wanted from each workbook to create a new presentation and in every slide to include a text box with the chart title and the chart itself as picture.

My solution to his problem was the code that you will find below. The code loops in every sheet and tries to find embedded charts. Afterwards, it loops in chart sheets. Whenever a chart is found, is copied and is inserted as a picture to a new power point slide.

VBA code
Option Explicit

'Both subs require a reference to Microsoft PowerPoint xx.x Object Library.
'where xx.x is your office version (11.0 = 2003, 12.0 = 2007 and 14.0 = 2010).

'Declaring the necessary Power Point variables (are used in both subs).

Dim pptApp As PowerPoint.Application
Dim pptPres As PowerPoint.Presentation
Dim pptSlide As PowerPoint.Slide
Dim pptSlideCount As Integer

Sub ChartsToPowerPoint()

    'Exports all the chart sheets to a new power point presentation.
    'It also adds a text box with the chart title.
    'By Christos Samaras

    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim intChNum As Integer
    Dim objCh As Object
    'Count the embedded charts.
    For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
        intChNum = intChNum + ws.ChartObjects.Count
    Next ws
    'Check if there are chart (embedded or not) in the active workbook.
    If intChNum + ActiveWorkbook.Charts.Count < 1 Then
        MsgBox "Sorry, there are no charts to export!", vbCritical, "Ops"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    'Open PowerPoint and create a new presentation.
    Set pptApp = New PowerPoint.Application
    Set pptPres = pptApp.Presentations.Add
    'Loop through all the embedded charts in all worksheets.
    For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
        For Each objCh In ws.ChartObjects
            Call pptFormat(objCh.Chart)
        Next objCh
    Next ws
    'Loop through all the chart sheets.
    For Each objCh In ActiveWorkbook.Charts
        Call pptFormat(objCh)
    Next objCh
    'Show the power point.
    pptApp.Visible = True

    'Cleanup the objects.
    Set pptSlide = Nothing
    Set pptPres = Nothing
    Set pptApp = Nothing
    'Infrom the user that the macro finished.
    MsgBox "The charts were copied successfully to the new presentation!", vbInformation, "Done"
End Sub

Private Sub pptFormat(xlCh As Chart)
    'Formats the charts/pictures and the chart titles/textboxes.
    'By Christos Samaras

    Dim chTitle As String
    Dim j As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
   'Get the chart title and copy the chart area.
    chTitle = xlCh.ChartTitle.Text

    'Count the slides and add a new one after the last slide.
    pptSlideCount = pptPres.Slides.Count
    Set pptSlide = pptPres.Slides.Add(pptSlideCount + 1, ppLayoutBlank)
    'Paste the chart and create a new textbox.
    pptSlide.Shapes.PasteSpecial ppPasteJPG
    If chTitle <> "" Then
        pptSlide.Shapes.AddTextbox msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 12.5, 20, 694.75, 55.25
    End If
    'Format the picture and the textbox.
    For j = 1 To pptSlide.Shapes.Count
        With pptSlide.Shapes(j)
            'Picture position.
            If .Type = msoPicture Then
                .Top = 87.84976
                .Left = 33.98417
                .Height = 422.7964
                .Width = 646.5262
            End If
            'Text box position and formamt.
            If .Type = msoTextBox Then
                With .TextFrame.TextRange
                    .ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignCenter
                    .Text = chTitle
                    .Font.Name = "Tahoma (Headings)"
                    .Font.Size = 28
                    .Font.Bold = msoTrue
                End With
            End If
        End With
    Next j

End Sub

How to use it

The short video below demonstrates the VBA code in use.

Download it from here

The zip file contains three files, one for each office version (2003, 2007 & 2010). Each file has already a reference to the corresponding Power Point library. Just remember to enable macros before using them.

Read also

Export Excel Ranges As Power Point Tables
Resize Pictures During A Presentation

Page last modified: January 6, 2019

Christos Samaras

Hi, I am Christos, a Mechanical Engineer by profession (Ph.D.) and a Software Developer by obsession (10+ years of experience)! I founded this site back in 2011 intending to provide solutions to various engineering and programming problems.

  • Hey Christos,

    Thank you so much for taking the time to create this code. It worked just as I suspected it would! The issue I had was, i was not passing a number to shapes.

    The more I look through your site the more I am learning. Its like a treasure trove of information!

    Thank you again,


  • Hello my friend and thank you for your kind comment. Please see the VBA code below which uses a specific image as header to each slide. Please change it according to your needs. I have tested it and it works.

    Kind Regards,

    Option Explicit

    'Both subs require a reference to Microsoft PowerPoint xx.x Object Library.
    'where xx.x is your office version (11.0 = 2003, 12.0 = 2007 and 14.0 = 2010).

    'Declaring the necessary Power Point variables (are used in both subs).
    Dim pptApp As PowerPoint.Application
    Dim pptPres As PowerPoint.Presentation
    Dim pptSlide As PowerPoint.Slide
    Dim pptSlideCount As Integer

    Sub ChartsToPowerPoint()

    'Exports all the chart sheets to a new power point presentation.
    'It also adds a text box with the chart title.

    'By Christos Samaras

    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim intChNum As Integer
    Dim objCh As Object

    'Count the embedded charts.
    For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    intChNum = ws.ChartObjects.Count
    Next ws

    'Check if there are chart (embedded or not) in the active workbook.
    If intChNum + ActiveWorkbook.Charts.Count < 1 Then
    MsgBox "Sorry, there are no charts to export!", vbCritical, "Ops"
    Exit Sub
    End If

    'Open PowerPoint and create a new presentation.
    Set pptApp = New PowerPoint.Application
    Set pptPres = pptApp.Presentations.Add

    'Loop through all the embedded charts in all worksheets.
    For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    For Each objCh In ws.ChartObjects
    Call pptFormat2(objCh.Chart, Sheet1.Shapes(2))
    Next objCh
    Next ws

    'Loop through all the chart sheets.
    For Each objCh In ActiveWorkbook.Charts
    Call pptFormat2(objCh, Sheet1.Shapes(2))
    Next objCh

    'Show the power point.
    pptApp.Visible = True

    'Cleanup the objects.
    Set pptSlide = Nothing
    Set pptPres = Nothing
    Set pptApp = Nothing

    'Infrom the user that the macro finished.
    MsgBox "The charts were copied successfully to the new presentation!", vbInformation, "Done"

    End Sub

    Private Sub pptFormat2(xlCh As Chart, xlImg As Shape)

    'Formats the chart picture and the header picture.

    'By Christos Samaras

    Dim chTitle As String

    On Error Resume Next
    'Copy the chart area.

    'Count the slides and add a new one after the last slide.
    pptSlideCount = pptPres.Slides.Count
    Set pptSlide = pptPres.Slides.Add(pptSlideCount + 1, ppLayoutBlank)

    'Paste the chart as well as the header image.
    pptSlide.Shapes.PasteSpecial ppPasteJPG
    pptSlide.Shapes.PasteSpecial ppPasteJPG

    'Format the chart picture.
    With pptSlide.Shapes(1)
    If .Type = msoPicture Then
    .Top = 87.84976
    .Left = 33.98417
    .Height = 422.7964
    .Width = 646.5262
    End If
    End With

    'Format the header picture.
    With pptSlide.Shapes(2)
    If .Type = msoPicture Then
    .Top = 12.5
    .Left = 33.98417
    .Height = 55.25
    .Width = 646.5262
    End If
    End With
    End Sub

  • Hi Christos,

    I was hoping you could assist me with my issue. Your coding was a real big help for me figuring out my mistakes.

    Now I am trying to build upon my code even more. What I am trying to do is not only export charts, but I would like to export an image.jpg I am using in excel as a header/title of sorts for each worksheet. Then paste it into PowerPoint at the top above the charts to add "flavor" to the PowerPoint.

    So far I have been able to select and copy the image from excel. However upon paste into PowerPoint it errors out after the first slide. I have tried using a different image on each excel worksheet to see if that would be easier to no avail either.

    Thank you again for the help your coding has provided!

  • Thank you very much for your kind comment. For anyone who is interested in exporting only the embedded charts of the active sheet, please check the code below:

    Sub ActiveSheetChartsToPowerPoint()

    'Exports the embedded charts of the active worksheet to a new power point presentation.
    'It also adds a text box with the chart title.

    'By Christos Samaras

    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim intChNum As Integer
    Dim objCh As Object

    'Check if there are embedded charts in the active worksheeet.
    If ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Count < 1 Then
    MsgBox "Sorry, there are no charts to export!", vbCritical, "Ops"
    Exit Sub
    End If

    'Open PowerPoint and create a new presentation.
    Set pptApp = New PowerPoint.Application
    Set pptPres = pptApp.Presentations.Add

    'Loop through all the embedded charts in the active sheet.
    For Each objCh In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
    Call pptFormat(objCh.Chart)
    Next objCh

    'Show the power point.
    pptApp.Visible = True

    'Cleanup the objects.
    Set pptSlide = Nothing
    Set pptPres = Nothing
    Set pptApp = Nothing

    'Infrom the user that the macro finished.
    MsgBox "The charts were copied successfully to the new presentation!", vbInformation, "Done"

    End Sub

    Note that the pptFormat macro is the same as above…

    Kind Regards,

  • Thank you Christos,

    This works like a charm. I was having issues on my coding where it would only pull charts from the active sheet.

    Keep up the good work!

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