Units Converter Add-In

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August 13, 2011

Last updated: 30/09/2017, 1 min read

Units Converter Add-In


Here is an Excel add-in that I developed with VBA. It contains some of the most common units that use engineers. I actually convert this Excel file to the add-in, which is much more convenient than using the original file, since you don’t have to “leave” from your current workbook to convert between units. By pressing a button on the Home tab of the ribbon the above form comes out.

How to use it

Installation steps (Excel 2007/2010/2013)

Step 1: Open the Excel (if it is not opened).

Step 2:. a. Click to File -> Options -> Add-Ins tab -> At the Excel Add-Ins combo box press the Go… button. b. Another way to do this is to click the Developer tab (if it is visible) and press the Add-Ins button. c. A third alternative (and probably the easiest way) is to just press ALT + T + I. The Add-In dialog box should be similar to the picture below.

Add Ins
Step 3: In the Add-Ins dialog box press the Browse button.
Step 4: Find and select the downloaded file with the name Units Converter Add-In.xlam and press OK.
Step 5: Simple put a check-mark in the name of Add-In (see the following picture) and press OK.

Add In Installed

If you have completed the previous steps successfully, then in the home tab you should see a new icon with name Units Converter.

Home Tab
First, select a measurement (angle, energy, length, pressure, etc.) from the combo box that is located up and right. Then, select the desired units from the two combo boxes (from and to) and finally, type your value in the input text box (on the left) and press the convert button. At the output text box (on the right) you will get the result of the conversion. If you press the switch button, the two units are changing place.



The add-in can be installed in Excel 2007 or newer. The form is mode-less so you can continue your work without closing the form.

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Page last modified: September 28, 2021

Christos Samaras

Hi, I am Christos, a Mechanical Engineer by profession (Ph.D.) and a Software Developer by obsession (10+ years of experience)! I founded this site back in 2011 intending to provide solutions to various engineering and programming problems.

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