A common question when developing custom Excel applications is: “How to change the default Excel icon of the main Excel window?” Another common question is: “How to change the default icon of the custom application, to not look like an Excel workbook?” Both questions address the same need; to customize the user interface. If you have spent countless hours in workbook designing and code development, you always want to add a personal touch to the user interface of your application.
In this post, we will try to answer both questions. For the first one, the answer is quite straightforward and involves two Windows API functions, the ExtractIcon and the SendMessage. The ExtractIcon function retrieves a handle to an icon from the specified executable file, DLL, or icon file. Here is used to retrieve an icon handle from a user-defined icon file (no .DLL or .EXE file). On the other hand, the SendMessage function is used to send a specific message to the main Excel window forcing it to change its icon.
For the second question, unfortunately, there is no straight answer; probably there is no answer at all! Neither with Windows APIs nor with any other programming technique you can change the icon of a single workbook (without changing the icon of all workbooks). However, there is a workaround. If your workbook is on a specific location at your hard disc, you can create a shortcut at the computer’s desktop, which will have a custom icon. In this way, you give to the user the illusion of a custom application icon. So, in the next section, we will see how to achieve this programmatically via VBA – actually, the Windows Script Host object does the “dirty work”.
VBA code for changing/restoring the Excel icon and the creating a workbook shortcut
As the macros name implies, the ChangeExelIcon changes the default Excel icon to a user-specified icon, while the RestoreExcelIcon does the opposite.
Option Explicit
'This module contains two macros for changing the Excel Icon of the current workbook.
'The ChangeExelIcon macro changes the default Excel icon to an icon that is specified
'by the user, whereas the RestoreExcelIcon does the opposite.
'Written By: Christos Samaras
'Date: 05/10/2014
'E-mail: [email protected]
'Declaring the necessary API functions and constants.
#If VBA7 And Win64 Then
'For 64 bit Excel.
Private Declare PtrSafe Function ExtractIconA Lib "shell32.dll" _
(ByVal hInst As LongPtr, _
ByVal lpszExeFileName As String, _
ByVal nIconIndex As Long) As LongPtr
Private Declare PtrSafe Function SendMessageA Lib "user32" _
(ByVal hwnd As LongPtr, _
ByVal wMsg As Long, _
ByVal wParam As LongPtr, _
ByVal lParam As LongPtr) As LongPtr
Private Const ICON_SMALL As LongPtr = 0&
Private Const ICON_BIG As LongPtr = 1&
Dim hwndIcon As LongPtr
'For 32 bit Excel.
Private Declare Function ExtractIconA Lib "shell32.dll" _
(ByVal hInst As Long, _
ByVal lpszExeFileName As String, _
ByVal nIconIndex As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SendMessageA Lib "user32" _
(ByVal hwnd As Long, _
ByVal wMsg As Long, _
ByVal wParam As Long, _
ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Private Const ICON_SMALL As Long = 0&
Private Const ICON_BIG As Long = 1&
Dim hwndIcon As Long
#End If
Private Const WM_SETICON As Long = &H80
Sub ChangeExelIcon()
'Get the icon handle.
'You can use the full path of the icon file, i.e.:
'hwndIcon = ExtractIconA(0, "C:\Users\Christos\Desktop\My Icon.ico", 0)
'Or the icon path relative to the current workbook, i.e.:
hwndIcon = ExtractIconA(0, ThisWorkbook.Path & "\My Icon.ico", 0)
'Check if the icon handle is valid.
If hwndIcon <> 0 Then
'Change the icon.
'For a big icon (32 x 32 pixels), use this line:
'SendMessageA Application.HWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, hwndIcon
'For a small one (16 x 16 pixels), use the next line (typical case):
SendMessageA Application.hwnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, hwndIcon
'Inform the user.
MsgBox "Excel icon was changed successfully!", vbInformation, "Done"
End If
End Sub
Sub RestoreExcelIcon()
'Get the icon handle of Excel application.
hwndIcon = ExtractIconA(0, Application.Path & "\Excel.exe", 0)
'Check if the icon handle is valid.
If hwndIcon <> 0 Then
'Restore the original Excel icon.
SendMessageA Application.hwnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, hwndIcon
'Inform the user.
MsgBox "Excel icon was restored successfully!", vbInformation, "Done"
End If
End Sub
Similarly, the CreateWorkbookShortcut macro creates a workbook shortcut at the computer’s Desktop, whereas the DeleteWorkbookShortcut deletes that shortcut.
Option Explicit
'This module contains a macro - CreateWorkbookShortcut - for creating a shortcut of
'the current workbook at the computer's Desktop; the shortcut has a custom icon.
'The other macro - DeleteWorkbookShortcut - deletes that shortcut from the Desktop.
'Written By: Christos Samaras
'Date: 05/10/2014
'E-mail: [email protected]
Sub CreateWorkbookShortcut()
'Declaring the necessary variables.
Dim WSHShell As Object
Dim Shortcut As Object
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:
'Create the Windows Script Host object.
Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'Create the shortcut object.
Set Shortcut = WSHShell.CreateShortcut(MyDesktop & "\" & WbookNameNoExtension & ".lnk")
'Adjust the shortcut.
With Shortcut
.TargetPath = ThisWorkbook.FullName
.IconLocation = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\My Icon.ico"
End With
'Inform the user about the shortcut creation.
MsgBox "The """ & WbookNameNoExtension & """ file has now a shortcut at your Desktop." & vbNewLine & _
"Note that the shortcut has a custom icon!", vbInformation, "Done"
'Check for errors.
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox Err.Description & "!", vbCritical, "Error Number " & Err.Number
End If
'Release the objects.
Set Shortcut = Nothing
Set WSHShell = Nothing
End Sub
Sub DeleteWorkbookShortcut()
'If the shortcut file exists, then delete it.
If FileExists(MyDesktop & "\" & WbookNameNoExtension & ".lnk") = True Then
Kill MyDesktop & "\" & WbookNameNoExtension & ".lnk"
MsgBox "The shortcut has been successfully removed from your Desktop!", vbInformation, "Done"
MsgBox "Shortcut couldn't be found at your Desktop!", vbCritical, "Failed"
End If
End Sub
Function MyDesktop() As String
'Returns the Desktop location.
MyDesktop = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop"
End Function
Function WbookNameNoExtension() As String
'Returns the workbook name without its extension.
WbookNameNoExtension = Left(ActiveWorkbook.Name, (InStrRev(ThisWorkbook.Name, ".", -1, vbTextCompare) - 1))
End Function
Function FileExists(strFilePath As String) As Boolean
'Checks if a file exists.
On Error Resume Next
If Not Dir(strFilePath, vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then FileExists = True
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Note that on MyDesktop function we have used the Windows environment variables, an easy way to retrieve main Windows paths via VBA. Please check this post for a complete list of all the available environment variables.
The zip file contains an Excel workbook along with a guitar icon to test the above macros. The workbook can be opened with Excel 2007 or newer. Please enable macros before using it.
I am using excel 365 and win10 64 bit, I tried your sample workbook. but it does not change the taskbar icon. is there any problem in my working?