F.A.Q. or Frequently Asked Questions. Here, you will find the most common questions and answers related to this site, organized into five main sections.
Downloads & files
Please retry one or two more times. Sometimes the links don’t work the first time. If you still cannot download the file, please send me an email (select the "Report a bug" option in the form), and I will send you the requested file.
First of all, ensure that your system meets the minimum requirements. Then, send me an email (select the "Report a bug" option in the form) and describe the problem or the error you get. File errors are a top priority for me. In general, I strive to provide you with free working solutions, but, sometimes I might have missed something. So, in case of a file error, I am willing to correct it as soon as possible.
Email policy
Hey, Christos, I sent you an email using your Contact form. Why didn’t I get an answer?
Honestly, I like to receive comments and feedback from all of you. However, keep in mind that my free time is quite limited (see here why). So, I would suggest you review the guidelines below before sending me an email:
Check the existing comments!
First of all, check the comments section of the post and search the entire site. The answer you seek might lie within the comments section of the post you read or to a different article.
Be specific!
If you send me an email, try to be specific in your message. Don’t throw me 500 lines of code and say, “It doesn’t work.” Narrow things down to perhaps 30 lines of code that illustrate the problem. Tell me exactly what the problem is; does the code blow up? Compiler error? Runtime error? Incorrect results? Please explain what the code should do and what it currently does or does not. Include the exact error message generated and identify the line of code that caused the error.
Send code that compiles!
If you include code, make sure it compiles as written. That means declaring all your variables (set Option Explicit on). If I can’t paste the code into a module with Option Explicit in effect, I will probably not reply. Sorry, but I’m not here to fix simple compiler errors.
Do not send files!
Don’t attach a file unless it is necessary. If you have screen captures, don’t embed the images in another file, such as a Word document. Just attach the picture files themselves to your email.
Use appropriate English language!
Poor writing or emails containing poorly translated text will probably go directly to my trash. If you expect me to take the time to read and reply to your message, it is incumbent upon you to take the time and make an effort to write clearly. I am not a native English speaker, but what I write can be understood by people knowing the basics of English. I expect the same from you.
Do not ask generic "how-to" Excel/VBA questions!
My site is not a tutorial for Excel/VBA. Instead, it provides you with various tools and examples. Someone can configure them together to do a working project. You will likely need to adapt the code to your specific requirements.
If you follow the guidelines above, I will reply to you as soon as possible.
In general, no. There is a reason why some of the files on this site are protected. Most of it (90%) has to do with support. I want to prevent people from either breaking formulas or editing the VBA code and, then, sending me questions about why the workbook/add-in doesn’t work. The other 10% has to do with the fact that I don’t want to distribute my work. It’s like a typical web service (e.g., Google search); you can use it, but you cannot modify it.
Sorry, unfortunately, I cannot help you with your error! There are not enough hours in the day to help everyone and still accomplish what I want to, so I will no longer answer “how-to” questions privately via email.
If you have a "how-to" question, ask it in a public forum such as Stack Overflow, MrExcel, VBA Express, MSDN. Alternatively, you can try a LinkedIn group, such as Microsoft Excel Users, Excel Developers or Excel and VBA Users (I am a member of these groups). I am only one person, so I cannot answer all of your questions. I understand that you need help, but posting in a forum is the best way to get it.
I am afraid that no, you cannot! This site is my digital corner on the web, so I am the only author here. However, I am open to suggestions regarding possible topics that you want me to cover. Feel free to suggest one!
No! While there was a healthy interest in this service, it just wasn’t an efficient way to continue spending my time. I enjoyed teaching, but I cannot keep it anymore.
Minimum software requirements
2010 (Office 14.0): Code snippets found on this site may work with older Office versions – such as Office 2007 or 2003. However, they were initially written in Office 2010, 2013, or newer. Note that some codes might not work on 64-bit versions of Office, especially those containing references to Windows APIs.
2010 (either 32 or 64 bit): Keep in mind that you might need to download and install AutoCAD’s VBA module before running any sample.
9.0: Note that most of the snippets will NOT work with the free version (i.e., Adobe Reader) unless stated explicitly.
6.0: For code samples that automate Internet Explorer, you need to have Internet Explorer on your machine. Although highly unlikely, if you don’t have Internet Explorer, you will not be able to run these samples.
Page last updated: 18/03/2021